Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Agrasen ki Baoli and Random Rantings.

It has been seven summers and six winters in Delhi, and somehow I never felt the urge to explore Delhi. I almost took its presence for granted in my life. The city as such is indifferent to my presence or absence. As I and Ankita talked about this among various things. Our nature of taking things for granted. Family, friends, lovers, cities and even our own selves. Absence, in this case is the only way to make someone realize the importance of what no more is or will no more be.

I am about to say goodbye to this city. Not completely though. I'll probably make frequent trips but I doubt I'll get to live here anywhere in near future.And that is somewhat disappointing. Delhi has taught me a lot in its own ways. I have experienced some of my life's happiest moments and some unforgivable despairs. Good times give you great memories,bad times give you something more important. Lessons.

And I am thankful for them, truly, eternally thankful.

Today was a good day. I spent it with one of my closest friends. Ankita.
Being with her is like putting your feet in pleasant, calm and cool waters on a hot summer day. Soothing, blissful, relaxing and happy. But the depths of these waters are way beyond your comprehension. Its easy to play on the surface. Going beyond requires courage.
I have known her for more than an year now. I have seen her in her various moods and masks. I have seen her grow. I have seen her bloom and wither. I have seen her love and hatred, her foolishness and wisdom, her smiles, laughter and tears, her passion and passivity. I have seen her coming of age. And I have a sort of sacred respect for her.

We strolled around in CP for a while, and because of my damned troubled foot, we couldn't get anymore creative than to have lunch at Mc. Donalds. After munching on burgers and gulping bad coffee, she suggested that we go and see Ugrasen ki Baoli. Google maps helped us find the place for the autowallahs were not really aware that such a place existed.

We loved it. Forgive our misanthropy, but barring the presence of people there, it was a great experience. Who would have thought during this great benevolent king's time that something as regular and casual, as a baoli would be a protected monument under the ASI. Time changes the significance of people, things, events and time itself. Tomorrow can turn glory into dust, anonymous into God, hurt into laughter, laughter into lament. Tomorrow seems to have all the power of us. Tomorrow is hope, tomorrow is also fear.

Ankita commented on how poorly the place was maintained. I had to agree. This  could have been much more. She told me about the proposal of getting this structure demolished because it was interfering with the proposed metro plan. It scares me sometimes, the pace with which the new world moves ahead to leave the old world behind.

The pigeons were beautiful. They had made themselves comfortable claiming the arcades and other rooms. Each finding its own personal corner. Every now and then they'd take a flight in unison and soar above us in circles before coming back. It was while we observed them, that we realized how each one of them was so individual and unique in its nature. Some preferred a private corner, some in pairs and some in gregarious noisy parties. All of them delightful to watch.

We went down the flight of stone steps which were kind of tricky, especially because my foot thought so. Ankita consoled me blaming it on incapable and clumsy architects of the time. We could now hear bats. Hundreds of them, screeching. But they seemed to be less annoying and noisy than the people around us. Ankita said even the pigeons must be prefering the "chamgadad bhais" to these people. Shouting, hooting, posing for their facebook profile pictures. Infact, pardon my saying so, but it seemed that most of the homo sapiens had come their only for the sake of getting some activity up on facebook. As you notice, I am also doing it in a way. No offence, just observation. :D

We climbed down and crawled through to make our way to what turned out to be the bottom of the well which supplied water to the baoli. It felt strange standing there. At the bottom of an empty well, looking up at the sky above us. For a second, I felt depressed and trapped and suffocated. The next moment it seemed crazy and strange. Its funny how much consequence or the lack of it can manifest itself only by the way we view certain things. Did it matter that we were standing at a place which once used to be a busy well? Did it matter that all around us there were little plants growing out of the stone walls? We felt inspired and awed at their tenacity. The plants obviously did not care about our opinions.

After that we went to India Habitat Centre to have a miserable cup of coffee. The only bad thing about this day. Bad Coffee.

I felt sad saying goodbye to her today, but I loved this day. It shall forever remain a very happy and cherished memory. I wish we had spent more days like these. I came home in a much better state of mind than I was in when I had left. I hope it did her some good as well. Nothing looks more beautiful on her face than a genuine smile.

And to put the perfect end to this day. It rained and my coaching announced a surprise holiday tomorrow. I shall probably sleep in peace tonight.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Have been to Delhi many times but have not heard of this place.there is nothing like visiting such places not commercialized too much !

  3. It definitely is a pllace worth a visit Jaish.. :)

  4. Will for sure visit the above mentioned places :)

  5. Hi Admin,
    Delhi is Beautiful ! I visited in Agrasen ki Baoli & It was wonderful experience in Agrasen ki Baoli :) & Most of people aren't aware, Jannat 2 climax was done in Agrasen ki Baoli :)

  6. Pictures are very beautiful and scary also. This hidden gem is located near the famous Connaught Place and you can easily take an auto to reach here. Make sure to click some pictures at this architectural masterpiece. Check out more about Agrasen ki baoli.
